Brand Ambassador

Pet Paradise Australia is starting a brand ambassador program for pet content creators on Instagram, Facebook & Tiktok!

Since we are an Australian company that only ships to Australia, we can only accept accounts that operate in Australia.


Becoming a brand ambassador comes with amazing offers such as:

  • A lifetime 15% discount code for all orders
  • Free products to keep when we ask you to advertise
  • Shout outs & posts for your bestfriend
  • Exclusive deals & many more offers to come


To become a brand ambassador, we require you to:

  • Have an account for your bestfriend on Instagram, Facebook or Tiktok & operate in Australia
  • Bestfriends include; dogs, cats, birds & fish
  • Actively post on your account (At least once per week)
  • Have a good audience size with potential to grow 
  • Be nice & friendly with other pet accounts on your social media platform


If you become a brand ambassador for Pet Paradise Australia then you will be asked to:

  • Advertise products on your account that we send to you free of charge
  • Use the hashtag; #petparadiseaustralia
  • Upload photos or videos with our products that fit your page aesthetics 
  • Maintain active on your best friend's account
  • Share our posts on your stories if your pet is featured


We look forward to seeing more of your beloved pet and grow together with them!

Sign Up below for our reviewal process so we can see what you and your best friend have created! Fill in the contact form and in the comments section describe your account, pet type and what social media platform you use!

Sign Up