Our Guarantees

Fast & Free Shipping

We guarantee fast shipping straight to your door, Australia wide. All orders should arrive within 2-8 business days of you completing your order. If it doesn't reach after 14 days you are entitled to a 15% discount on your next order. (View Shipping Policy For More) 

Not only that, we also offer free shipping 24/7 no matter how big or small the order is, you will always receive free shipping every single time you make an order with our store.


Money Back Guarantee

You are always eligible for a full refund if the products you ordered are damaged, misplaced or not what you ordered. We guarantee your money back if anything goes your wrong with our products or your satisfaction or even your beloved pets. (View Refund Policy For More)


Top Quality Products

We guarantee that our products will always be nothing less than top quality for you and your pets to enjoy. Our company offers many well known brands for you to choose from and will always make it our top priority to provide you with the best products possible.